Our technology enables health and social care organisations to build bespoke services to suit individual requirements.

Services from the Digital Health Marketplace can be modified to suit your requirements. For example, you might be looking to deploy a new telehealth service for COPD patients but you want patients to be able to choose how they send and receive their readings back and forth to the clinic, you want to choose the questions you ask them and you want to integrate readings back into your own systems. Every aspect of the service can be designed to suit your patients and meet your challenges.

The My Inhealthcare app is our patient app and the Inhealthcare Professional app is used by clinicians. Both of these can be individually branded by the use of a splash screen as the user opens the app. This brings personalisation to your service and builds trust with the user.

What makes us different?
  • Over 10 years of experience working with the NHS.

  • Tried, tested and proven technology.
  • Used by more than 4 million patients across the UK.
  • Unparalleled integration with NHS systems.
  • Truly digitally inclusive and accessible to all.
  • Services are co-designed with the NHS and with input from clinicians and users.
  • Services purpose-built for your organisation so they meet your needs and the needs of your population.
  • Services can be built at speed and cost effectively using the Inhealthcare Toolkit.