The NHS has a huge initiative to be the world’s first net zero national health service. On 1st July 2022, the NHS became the first health system to embed net zero into legislation, through the Health and Care Act 2022.

The NHS has to clear targets:

• For the emissions we control directly (the NHS Carbon Footprint), we will reach net zero by 2040, with an ambition to reach an 80% reduction by 2028 to 2032;

• For the emissions we can influence (our NHS Carbon Footprint Plus), we will reach net zero by 2045, with an ambition to reach an 80% reduction by 2036 to 2039.

How remote patient monitoring is helping the NHS to meet net zero

Remote patient monitoring and virtual wards will play a key role helping the NHS meet its targets. Our core business offering is enabling the NHS to deliver more care at home, rather than in a clinical setting, reducing the need for travel. As the NHS accounts for 9.5 billion road miles (or 3.5 per cent) of all road travel in England every year, the potential for saved journeys is significant. We are proud to be delivering our remote patient monitoring and virtual ward services across Scotland, England and Wales and play our part helping the NHS meet its ambitions. 


Our environmental policy, our commitment

We are doing our bit to minimise the footprint of our business operations. As part of our environmental policy, we pledge to:

• Manage office waste appropriately through re-use and recycling. We have also expanded this for electronics.

• Prohibit the use of single-use plastic including plastic cups and cutlery.

• Continue to drive our ‘think before you print’ policy, reducing unnecessary waste. This includes marketing materials for events where we’ve replaced brochures for electronic downloads.

• Continue to embrace the hybrid-working environment, reducing travel for staff and creating an environment that’s more sustainable and more inclusive for all.

• Ensure travel by our customer facing team is kept to a minimum, with virtual meetings used where appropriate, further reducing our travel footprint.

• Use energy efficient cloud infrastructure through our partner Amazon Web Services (AWS). The results of a study by 451 Research show that AWS’s infrastructure is 3.6 times more energy efficient than the median of U.S. enterprise data centres surveyed.

• Reduce energy consumption where we can by getting staff to switch off lights in areas not in use and at the end of the working day and using renewable energy sources where possible.

• Decarbonise our company owned fleet by making electric and hybrid vehicles the new default for renewals and new leases.

• Communicate our commitment to all internal stakeholders and make our policy available for public review on request.

This environmental policy will be reviewed regularly to ensure the environmental impact on our business processes is kept at a minimum.