The Inhealthcare technology is accessible to patients and clinicians through a range of devices and communication channels - including SMS, apps, online, video and automated telephone calls

Inhealthcare enables patients and clinicians to interact with our digital health services using their preferred communication methods, meaning we’re inclusive of all, regardless of access to the internet or technical ability.

For patients at home or on the move

Patients can choose to use SMS, the My Inhealthcare app, online, automated telephone calls, video conferencing and Amazon Alexa to send and receive readings to and from their healthcare professional.

For patients in care homes or for nurses on home visits

In care homes or for healthcare professionals on home visits, patient data collection is available both through an app and online. Our clinician app is called Inhealthcare Professional. Video conferencing can also be used.

Why is digital inclusion so important?

One in five people lack basic digital skills and one in eleven people have never been online. 

For digital health to scale with a diverse population, services must work for everyone.

We reach citizens without the internet, those in rural locations and those without smartphones. We also support citizens whose first language is not English. 

My Inhealthcare – the patient app

The My Inhealthcare app is available on the App Store and Google Play and connects citizens directly to their healthcare professional, meaning citizens can manage their health on the move.

The app allows users to review readings and results over time, submit readings to their patient record, receive new dosage instructions, receive medication reminders, set appointment reminders and keep a diary.

Patients use a secure and memorable 6 digit login code to access the app which complies with e-GIF Level 3 information governance standards.

Inhealthcare Professional – the clinician app

Inhealthcare Professional enables healthcare professionals to securely record patient readings on the move. The app can be used in care homes or during community visits.

Clinicians use a secure and memorable 6 digit login code to access the app which complies with e-GIF Level 3 information governance standards.

Video conferencing

With our video conferencing software, NHS staff can schedule real time face-to-face appointments for quick decision-making, without having to meet patients in person.

It can be a challenge for people to take time out of their day to travel to medical appointments, fitting them in around work, study and childcare. 

With video appointments, people can access the care they need from the comfort of their homes, or from their phones, and fit them more easily around their day

What makes us different?
  • Over 10 years of experience working with the NHS.

  • Tried, tested and proven technology.
  • Used by more than 4 million patients across the UK.
  • Unparalleled integration with NHS systems.
  • Truly digitally inclusive and accessible to all.
  • Services are co-designed with the NHS and with input from clinicians and users.
  • Services purpose-built for your organisation so they meet your needs and the needs of your population.
  • Services can be built at speed and cost effectively using the Inhealthcare Toolkit.