Digital monitoring in care homes using NEWS2

NEWS2 is a scoring system in which a score is allocated to physiological measurements. The six physiological parameters for the basis of the scoring system include respiration rate, oxygen saturation, systolic blood pressure, pulse rate, level of consciousness or new confusion and temperature.

The NEWS monitoring service enables care home staff to record resident’s information onto an app. Using the Inhealthcare Professional app, available to download from Google Play and the App Store, information is inputted and the NEWS score is calculated.

The service acts as an early warning system indicating early signs of an individual becoming unwell.

Information on each resident can be securely shared with the GP or other authorised health professionals through the patient record. The integration enables health care professionals to work in partnership with the care homes to respond to the needs of the individual and where possible, prevent unnecessary admissions to hospital.

The service is live across care homes in Sheffield as part of the NHS England Sheffield test bed project.

The MIST (Mechanism, Illness, Symptoms, Treatment) algorithm can also be used as part of the questionnaire. Carers complete an assessment using the Inhealthcare Professional app and information is sent to community care teams for timely intervention.

Visit our digital care home service for more information on how we work with care homes.

Benefits of NEWS monitoring
Acts as an early warning system
Bridges the gap between health and social care
Integration with GP systems
If you want to know more about the National Early Warning Scores (NEWS) service leave your details and we'll be in touch

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