Remote home monitoring for weight management

Once patients and clinicians have identified exercise and dietary goals, they can be referred to the tier three specialist digital weight management home monitoring service. The service enables patients to achieve and sustain a healthy weight.

The weight management service enables patients to weigh themselves at home and send their reading in via a communication channel of choice. These include SMS, app, online or automated telephone call.

Patients can also answer a set of questions around their eating and lifestyle habits.

If the patient’s BMI falls outside of parameters, an alert is generated to the appropriate care team.

Benefits of the weight management service
Increases capacity

Reducing face to face appointments enables clinicians to spend their time caring for complex patients.

Improves patient satisfaction and meets growing patient demand

Patients do not have to take time out of their day to attend appointments and are not bound to NHS opening hours.

It's inclusive

The service is easy to use and inclusive of all regardless of age, technical ability or access to the internet.

If you want to know more about the weight management service leave your details and we'll be in touch

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