Monitoring patients undergoing cancer treatment, in their own homes.

The oncology remote patient monitoring service, sometimes referred to as a cancer virtual ward, monitors and provides support at home to patients who are undergoing chemotherapy and immunotherapy. The service captures vital sign readings and side effects that the patient may be experiencing as a result of the treatment. The service captures vital signs as well as any side effects the patient might be experiencing as a result of the treatment. Vital signs captured include Sp02, blood pressure, weight, temperature and heart rate. As part of the oncology service, the patient also receives feedback and advice on how to manage the side effects of the treatment.

The oncology service removes the need for oncology nurses to call patients, reducing the administrative workload. If readings fall out of thresholds, or if side effects are flagged, an alert is raised for clinical follow up, meaning patients can be appropriately prioritised.

We have an extensive list of approved devices, or alternatively, providers can source their own. Bluetooth connected devices can also be used.

Patients can choose technology that works for them. They can send readings using our app, SMS, email, automated phone call or by direct contact. Giving patients choice, means the service is inclusive.

Read the oncology remote monitoring service brochure

Find out more about our other virtual wards, including BP@Home, Cancer, Palliative care, and COVID-19.

Benefits of the oncology remote patient monitoring service
The dashboard uses a RAG rating system meaning clinical teams can quickly determine patients that are unwell or having side effects to the treatment.
Clinical teams no longer have to call each patient and gather large amounts of information, saving time.
Clinical teams can prioritise patients that need it most.
The service is digitally inclusive.
Information is stored in the GP system, meaning information is available to authorised professionals.
Thorough monitoring means patients feel supported.

“This innovative system designed by patients and oncology teams should provide patients with early advice at the onset of symptoms to empower a patient to safely manage milder symptoms at home or, when symptoms are more significant, to seek urgent advice from the acute oncology hotline service.”

Dr Amélie Harle, oncology consultant and clinical lead for the programme at NHS Dorset
If you want to know more about the Oncology service leave your details and we'll be in touch

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