Post surgery follow up Reducing hospital re-admissions with an automated follow up service

The post surgery follow up service identifies patients likely to be readmitted to hospital.

Patients are followed up after surgery using an automated service. They are contacted through our choice of communication channels and asked questions around how they are getting on after their surgery. Responses are analysed to determine those at high risk of re-admission. A list of high risk patients is generated for the discharge liaison nurse to follow up.

The service enables liaison nurses to manage their time more effectively. The service removes the need for nurses to contact every patient, but instead highlights those at the greatest risk.

Benefits of the surgery follow up service
Reduces hospital admissions

Patients at high risk of readmission are quickly identified so re-admissions can be prevented.

Increases capacity

Enables the discharge liaison nurse to use time more effectively to support patients who require follow up advice and support. At Darlington Memorial Hospital, 76 per cent of patients did not require further support following a phone call from a discharge liaison nurse, meaning this was an inefficient use of their time.

Provides patients with reassurance and support

The service is quick, easy and inclusive of all regardless of age, technical ability or access to the internet. The follow up service provides patients with reassurance and support.

Get in touch
If you want to know more about the surgery follow up service leave your details and we'll be in touch

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