Remote appointment & consultation service

Inhealthcare Connect is a remote appointment booking and consultation service. It can be used across a range of different healthcare settings and integrates with both GP and hospital PAS systems. As well as enabling the patient to book and attend appointments remotely, the service also enables patients to cancel and rearrange appointments. Appointment reminders are automatically sent to patients and communications can also be sent to the patient both before and after the appointment, if required. Patients can choose to communicate either via SMS or email.

The video conferencing sits within the HSCN network so you can guarantee that the consultation is safe and secure.

How is the patient contacted?

If the patient has a mobile number on the system, they will be sent an SMS to book their appointment, otherwise an email is sent. The patient clicks on the link where they can either book, change, cancel or attend an appointment.

Why should I use Inhealthcare Connect?

  • The NHS Long Term Plan issued in 2019 mandates that NHS providers must reduce face-to-face outpatient appointments by one third.
  • Consumer preferences are changing, with many patients finding online channels more convenient.
  • Technology can significantly improve productivity, reduce admin for staff and drive down costs.
Benefits of Inhealthcare Connect
The automated system removes the administrative workload for staff, saving time.
Patients can easily change appointments, reducing DNAs.
Meets growing patient demand for digital healthcare.
Helps providers to manage clinic capacity.
Seamlessly integrates into hospital and GP systems.
If you want to know more about Inhealthcare Connect, leave your details and we'll be in touch

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