By Amy Frith
Case Studies 26 August 2022

In May 2022, the Sussex @Home programme produced an evaluation of the Covid Oximetry@Home service to consider findings from the service and make recommendations for the future. The evaluation drew on a range of sources, including a patient survey and Covid admissions data. The following case study is based on this evaluation.



  • The identification of silent hypoxia, the presence of low blood oxygen levels in a patient who might not otherwise seem unwell, is a symptom of COVID-19 that needs to be closely monitored and given urgent medical attention if required.
  • The Covid Oximetry@Home pathway and Covid virtual ward help clinicians to identify early signs of deterioration and intervene to improve patient outcomes.
  • Towards the end of 2021, an increase in Covid cases was anticipated from the Omnicron variant and Sussex Health and Care Partnership wanted to take steps to manage A&E and hospital admissions.



  • A Covid Oximetry@Home (CO@Home) service was piloted across Sussex from January to March 2021.
  • As part of the Sussex response to manage the increase in Covid cases anticipated from the Omicron variant, the CO@Home and Covid Virtual Ward (CVW) services were delivered by four GP Federations and Alliances and rapidly implemented across Sussex from 31. December 2021 to 31. May 2022.
  • High-risk and clinically vulnerable patients, including those at risk of health inequalities through disability or deprivation, were prioritised for referral.



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