Inhealthcare is trusted by more than 50 different NHS organisations across the UK.

We've supported 4,000,000 patients and to date we have developed, with our NHS customers, more than 150 different digital health pathways.

We currently support approximately 500 care homes across the UK in delivering digital health pathways to residents that are under their care.

There are approximately 2,500 registered healthcare professionals who use the Inhealthcare platform to access patient information without the need for face-to-face contact with their patients. 

Loved by patients and clinicians, we're trusted by more than 50 customers across primary and secondary care

“This innovative system designed by patients and oncology teams should provide patients with early advice at the onset of symptoms to empower a patient to safely manage milder symptoms at home or, when symptoms are more significant, to seek urgent advice from the acute oncology hotline service.”  

Dr Amélie Harle, oncology consultant and clinical lead for the programme at NHS Dorset   

We're expanding the service because it's been successful and we've found it to be very useful in making sure every patient has a care plan that's right for them. It gives extra support to patients at home and gives us the ability to monitor them very closely while promoting self-care. Our NHS colleagues across Norfolk are keen to get involved.

Rhona Macpherson, lead heart failure nurse at the Norfolk Community Health and Care NHS Trus

“The RMVW has been a game-changer in terms of expeditiously managing patients in a different way safely and effectively. We have for many years held on to a varied set of patients in hospital beds awaiting investigations, interventions or just for ongoing observation and by using the RMVW and bespoke pathways have managed to facilitate earlier discharges and streamline ambulatory care of patients vastly improving patient experiences.” 

Adam Peckham-Cooper, lead consultant for Emergency General Surgery, Leeds Teaching Hospitals

Inhealthcare has been pivotal in City Health Care Partnership’s developments and provided our organisation with specialist expertise and knowledge to support a wide range of projects
Inhealthcare is extremely responsive in providing advice and support in building our concepts into deliverable solutions. They have demonstrated their commitment to our organisational objectives and have invested resource in developing their technology and integration mechanisms.

Mike Cosgrove, Business and Service Development Advisor, City Health Care Partnership
What makes us different?
  • Over 10 years of experience working with the NHS.
  • Tried, tested and proven technology.
  • Used by 4 million patients across the UK.
  • Unparalleled integration with NHS systems.
  • Truly digitally inclusive and accessible to all.
  • Services are co-designed with the NHS and with input from clinicians and users.
  • Services purpose-built for your organisation so they meet your needs and the needs of your population.
  • Services can be built at speed and cost effectively using the Inhealthcare Toolkit.