INR device
By Inhealthcare
Blog 24 July 2015

Our INR self-testing service enables patients on warfarin to self-test their INR levels from home, removing the need to attend a clinic. On average, many warfarin patients have to visit their (often not so local) clinic up to 14 times a year, which can be both inconvenient and costly for patients.

Our service aims to give patients the freedom to manage their condition in their own home and within their own time. They’re not restricted to NHS opening hours, they don’t have to take time off work, pay to park their car or drive to a different town to attend the nearest clinic. Using our service, they are able to take their own INR reading at home and submit them over the phone via an automated telephone call system.

Introducing the new online functionality

Our latest release demonstrates our commitment to making the service as easy as possible for patients. The INR self-testing service, which up until now used automated phone calls to contact the patient and relay their warfarin dosage, now includes an online portal.

What are the benefits of the new online feature?

This new functionality gives patients another means of submitting their readings to the warfarin clinic. By accessing the portal, the simple interface enables patients to submit their readings and obtain their new warfarin dosage. The readings can be submitted during a window on that given day, meaning patients are given plenty of time to test their INR.

Today, people are more mobile, we commute, we travel abroad, we have busy schedules and as such we demand more convenience with how we manage our everyday lives. With access to mobile networks and Wi-Fi becoming increasingly available across the globe, we believe many patients will opt for this new flexibility. The online portal gives patients the freedom to choose a method of care that suits their individual needs and whilst we envisage many of our satisfied patients will opt to keep with the automated phone calls, we hope the online portal brings additional benefits to many.

Interested in finding out more about our INR self-testing service? Download the INR brochure.

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